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原因1. 蘑菇的營養豐富



原因2. 富含維生素D有益骨骼健康

是的,維生素D !蘑菇是這種重要維生素的唯一蔬來源。像人類一樣,蘑菇在陽光下也能產生維生素D。在進入市場前將它們暴露在高水準的紫外線B中,使更多的植物甾醇麥角固醇轉化為所謂的“陽光維生素”。在美國,富含維生素D的大褐菇(燒烤菇)已經開始銷售,一份3盎司(85克)可以提供大約400IU的維生素D(加拿大骨質疏鬆症協會建議50歲以下的成年人每天攝入400 IU1000IU的維生素D)。保持正常的維生素D水準有利於骨骼健康,預防佝僂病和骨質疏鬆症。


原因3. 增强你的免疫力



原因4. 改善腸道健康



原因5. 吃你的抗氧化劑



原因6. 提升你的新陳代謝



原因7. 對你的膀胱有益,預防癌症

蘑菇含有對膀胱有益的硒,它是一種礦物質,不存在於大多數水果和蔬菜中。很多種類的蘑菇都富含這種微量礦物質: 100克新鮮的小褐菇含47%的身體日常需求量,新鮮的白蘑菇含17%。發表在《癌症流行病學、生物指標和預防》雜誌上的七項研究表明,血清和腳趾甲中測量的硒含量越高,患膀胱癌的風險越低。硒在女性中有顯著的保護作用,研究人員認為,這可能是由於其性別差異在積累和分泌方面的不同造成的。它還在肝臟酶的功能中發揮作用,並幫助對抗體內一些致癌化合物。更重要的是,硒可以預防炎症,並能降低腫瘤的生長速度。特雷德瑞亞說:“蘑菇含有一種叫做β-葡聚糖的成分,可以幫助增加白細胞的生成。如果你的免疫系統降低了,蘑菇可以幫助提高白細胞的數量和增強其功能,並有預防癌症的作用。”


原因8. 增加能量,有益大腦健康

如果你想打破咖啡因激增後精神過度興奮,那就試試蘑菇,它作為一種適應原已經越來越受歡迎。咖啡只是刺激神經和腎上腺. 《替代補充醫學雜誌》的一項研究表明,蘑菇可以通過自然地提高體內能量水準和身體耐力來幫助人們緩解疲勞——而不會發生精神過度興奮情況。蘑菇甚至可能有益於大腦健康。20193月發表在《阿爾茨海默症雜誌》上的一項研究發現,每週食用兩份以上蘑菇的老年人可能會將其患輕微認知障礙的風險降低一半。新加坡國立大學的研究人員進行了這項研究,他們收集了600多名60歲以上的中國老年人6年多的數據。他們認為麥角硫因起著重要作用,它是一種抗氧化劑和抗炎化合物,主要存在於蘑菇中,人類無法自行合成。


原因9. 有利於維持正常血壓!

高鉀低鈉(鹽)飲食,可以起到預防和益於調節高血壓。像蔬菜這樣的蘑菇鈉含量很低,鉀含量很高,而且幾乎不含飽和脂肪。這使得蘑菇成為健康飲食的完美補充,有助於保持血壓和膽固醇。研究發現,每天吃蘑菇可以改善總膽固醇、甘油三酯和血糖水準, 從而維持正常血壓。


According to the interview report of SCMP on our company and the related information of the website( https://www.besthealthmag.ca/best-eats/nutrition/health-benefits-mushrooms/ , the benefits of mushrooms are summarized as follows for the reference of the general public. Thank you!


Whatever your favorite mushroom(cremini, portobello or white button) isthey are loaded with essential nutrients that are good for your health!


Reason 1Mushroom nutrition

High in antioxidants and packed with vitamins and minerals, mushrooms arerising up the superfood charts. Incorporating them into your diet oras an alternative to your morning coffee maynot only boost your immune system but also give your skin a healthy glow, keepyour heart healthy and a lot more. Although we think of them as vegetables,mushrooms are not technically plants they belong to thefungi kingdom. And they contradict the commonly held nutritional yardstick thata food that lacks color also lacks necessary nutrients.Usuallyits the brightly colored vegetables that are packed with antioxidants  so brown mushrooms youwouldn’t expect to be so powerful in terms of nutrients, they are an exception, saysLawrence Tredrea, a nutritionist and naturopath at the Integrated MedicineInstitute in Central,Hong Kong.Mushrooms are also are rich in B vitamins riboflavin (B2), folate (B9), thiamine (B1), pantothenic acid (B5), and niacin(B3). B vitamins help the body to get energy from food and form red bloodcells.


Reason 2Mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, which is good for bonehealth.

Yes, vitamin D! Mushrooms are the only fruit or vegetable source of thisimportant vitamin. Like humans, mushrooms produce vitamin D when in sunlight.Exposing them to high levels of ultraviolet B just before going to marketconverts more of the plant sterol ergosterol into the so-called sunshinevitamin. In the U.S., portobellos fortified with vitamin D are already beingsold, with a three-ounce (85-gram) serving providing about 400 IU of vitamin D(Osteoporosis Canada recommends that adults under 50 get 400 to 1,000 IUdaily).Having a normal vitamin D level is good for healthy bones,the preventionof rickets and osteoporosis.


Reason 3 Boost your immune system

A study done on mice and published by the American Society for Nutritionfound that white button mushrooms may promote immune function by increasing theproduction of antiviral and other proteins that are released by cells whilethey are trying to protect and repair the bodystissues. A later study showed that these mushrooms promoted the maturation ofimmune system cells called dendritic cells frombone marrow. According to the researchers, these mushroom benefits may helpenhance the bodys immunity leading to betterdefense systems against invading microbes.

Nutritionists like Tredrea also noticed that people in Australia arefollowing the hottest mushroom trend-mushroom latte. Powderedmushrooms can make a coffee-alternative latte. You can mix it in with hotchocolate or coffee, its got an earthyflavour, and it helps the immune system and bodily functions, saysTredrea.


Reason 4 Improve gut health

If you experience digestive issues or could use a boot on your weightloss journey, consider mushroom. Mushroom was proven in the InternationalJournal of Molecular Sciences to be a prebiotic that can help stimulate thegrowth of our gut microbiota. Prebiotics are different from probiotics, butjust as important.Mushrooms are also high in fiber, which is good for guthealth.


Reason 5 Eat your antioxidants

When it comes to antioxidantsthe substances thathelp fight free radicals that are the result of oxidation in our bodyweremore likely to think of colorful vegetables than neutral-hued mushrooms. But astudy at Penn State university showed that the oxygen radical absorbancecapacity (ORAC)a measure of a foodstotal antioxidantsof cremini and portobello mushroomswere about the same as for red peppers. Mushrooms are also an antioxidantpowerhouse, according to research from The Journal of Bioscience andEngineering. This free-radical scavenger maybe an anti-aging secret weapon. Research also points to cellular protectionbenefits meaning it could have anticancer potential.


Reason 6 Kick up your metabolism

B vitamins are vital for turning food (carbohydrates) into fuel(glucose), which the body burns to produce energy. They also help the bodymetabolize fats and protein. Mushrooms contain loads of vitamin B2 (riboflavin)and vitamin B3 (niacin): 100 grams (31/2 ounces) of cremini have 44 percent and30 percent of your daily recommended amount, white button have 36 and 30percent.


Reason 7 keep your bladder healthy defense against cancer

Mushrooms contain good-for-your-bladder selenium, a mineral that is notpresent in most fruits and vegetables. Many types are rich in this essentialtrace mineral:100 grams of raw crimini have 47 percent of your daily needs, andraw white button have 17 percent.An analysis of seven studies published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention showed that the higher the level of selenium, as measured in blood serum andtoenails, the lower the risk of bladder cancer. Selenium had a significantprotective effect mainly among women, which the researchers believe may resultfrom gender-specific differences in this its accumulation and excretion. Italso plays a role in liver enzyme function and helps fight some cancer-causingcompounds in the body. Whats more, seleniumprevents inflammation and also decreases tumour growth rates.Mushroomshave a constituent called beta-glucans which help increase the production ofwhite blood cells. If your immune system is lowered, mushrooms can help improvethe count and function of white blood cells and have a protective effectagainst cancer. says Tredrea.


Reason 8: Increase energy to help your brainhealth.

If youre trying to break the cycle of caffeine spike and then crash, trymushrooms , which have been growing in popularity as an adaptogen. Where coffeesimply stimulates the nerves and adrenals, research from the Journal ofAlternative Complementary Medicine showed that mushrooms helps peoplestruggling with fatigue by increasing energy levels and physical endurancenaturally without the crash. Mushrooms may even be good for brain health. A studypublished in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease in March 2019found that seniors who had more than two servings of mushrooms a week may cuttheir risk of having mild cognitive impairment in half. This study was carriedout by the National University of Singapore researchers who collected data frommore than 600 Chinese seniors over the age of 60 over six years. They believeergothioneine, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound found mainly inmushrooms, which humans cannot synthesize on their own, is responsible.


Reason 9: Help maintaining a healthy bloodpressure

A diet of the high in potassium and low in sodium (salt) can help preventand regulate hypertension. Mushrooms like vegetables are very low in sodium,high in potassium and are virtually free from saturated fat.This makesmushrooms the perfect addition to a healthy diet to help maintain bloodpressure and blood cholesterol. Research has found that eating mushrooms on adaily basis improves total cholesterol levels, triglycerides as well as bloodglucose levels, thereby maintaining normal blood pressure.